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The Book of Mormon Confirmed (3 February 1898)

TitleThe Book of Mormon Confirmed (3 February 1898)
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1898
Secondary AuthorsWells, Rulon S.
MagazineThe Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star
Issue Number5
Date Published3 February 1898
KeywordsAncient America - Mesoamerica; Archaeology; External Evidence; Hebraic Indian Theory; Native Americans - Maya

This five-part series gives various external evidences of the Book of Mormon, including the archaeological findings that “point to successive periods of occupation” in ancient America, evidence of Hebrew origin/descent for the American Indians, and the idea that there was an advanced civilization in ancient America. It also discusses metal plates and provides geological proof of the great destruction recorded in 3 Nephi 8. The fourth part covers the evidence of advanced civilization in the Americas.