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TitleThe Book of Mormon (30 August 1886)
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1886
AuthorsSleight, Thos
MagazineThe Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star
Issue Number35
Date Published30 August 1886
Keywords1 Nephi; Book of Mormon; Book of Mormon Translation; Golden Plates; Hill Cumorah (New York); Intertextuality; Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846); Restoration

This two-part series uses biblical scriptures to prove the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, gives a summary of 1 Nephi, and discusses plates (who wrote them, what language was used, their size and description). Sleight explains how Joseph Smith found the plates in the Hill Cumorah, and gives a history of the founding of the LDS church. The second part concludes the series.